3RAR Calendar ’67-’68
Calendar of 3RAR in South Vietnam
First Tour 1967/1968
December 1967
12 3RAR Advance Party flew from Adelaide to Saigon.
16 3RAR Main Body departed Outer Harbour Port Adelaide on HMAS Sydney.
27 3RAR Rear Party departed Adelaide by air.
27 3RAR Main Body disembarked at Vung Tau and moved to Nui Dat.
28 3RAR Rear Party arrived at Vung Tau and moved to Nui Dat.
January 1968
6 3RAR Op Balaklava
9-11 3RAR Op Bordertown.
2 C Coy, 3RAR moved to FSPB Harrison, Bien Hoa Province (Op Coburg).
31 Enemy Lunar New Year (Tet) Offensive – widespread attacks on major cities and installations in South Vietnam.
February 1968
1 Task Force Base mortared. Viet Cong battalion (D445) in occupation of Phuoc Le (Baria).
1 – 2 A Coy, 3RAR in action at Baria with 3 Troop A Squadron 3 Cavalry Regiment.
3 – 6 D Coy, 3RAR in action in Long Dien with 2/52 ARVN Rangers.
5 B Coy, 3RAR in contact in Hoa Long.
7 – 9 B Coy, 3RAR in action in Baria and Long Dien.
10 3RAR relieved 7RAR in Bien Hoa province (Op Coburg)
18 Mortar and ground attack on FSPB Andersen.
28 Mortar attack on FSPB Andersen.
March 1968
1 3RAR returned to Nui Dat from Op Coburg.
3 Commemorative service for 3RAR and Armoured members killed in action in Long Dien and during Op Coburg.
8 3RAR, less D Coy, commenced Op Pinnaroo.
17 D Coy, 3RAR joined Op Pinnaroo.
April 68
9 Main Body 1 RAR arrived in South Vietnam. Main Body 7RAR departed for Australia.
12 D Coy, 3RAR returned from Op Pinnaroo.
15 Op Pinnaroo completed.
21 3RAR commenced Op Toan Thang (Phase 1)
May 1968
3 3RAR returned to base from Op Toan Thang (Phase 1)
10 3RAR continued Op Toan Thang (Phase 1) relieving 2RAR at FSPB Andersen
13 3RAR occupied blocking position 20 miles north-north- east of Saigon. Mortar and ground attack on FSPB Coral.
16 Enemy regimental mortar and ground attacks on FSPB Coral.
24 3RAR moved to FSPB Balmoral.
26 Mortar attack on FSPB Coral. Mortar and battalion ground attacks on FSPB Balmoral.
28 Regimental mortar and ground attacks on FSPB Balmoral by 165 Regiment 7th North Vietnamese Army Division.
June 1968
1 Main Body 4RAR arrived in Vung Tau on HMAS Sydney. Main Body 2RAR departed for Australia.
5 3RAR returned to base from Op Toan Thang (Phase 1).
14 D Coy, 3RAR cordon and search in Long Dien.
25-30 B Coy, 3RAR participated in Op Ulladulla with C Squadron 1st Armoured Regiment.
July 1968
3 3RAR relieved 1 RAR in AO Birdsville Op Toan Thang (Phase 2).
18 3RAR redeployed into AO Yass to commence Op Merino.
24 3RAR returned to base from Op Merino.
29 C Coy, 3RAR cordon and search north-east Hoa Long.
August 1968
2-13 3RAR Op Platypus.
22 Outskirts of Saigon rocketed. 1 RAR and tanks in contact with Viet Cong occupying Long Dien.
23 3RAR Op Magnetic, Long Son Island.
28 3RAR Op Diamantina (until 5 Sep)
September 1968
6 B and D Companies relieved 1 RAR companies in defensive tasks in the vicinity of Baria and Long Dien (Op Nowra).
10 A Coy, 3RAR relieved C Coy 1 RAR on land-clearing Ops in AO Warburton.
15 B Coy, 3RAR returned from Baria Stadium defence task.
19-25 C Coy, 3RAR Route 2 security Op Ngai Giao area.
24 D Coy, 3RAR returned from Long Dien.
28 3RAR Tactical HQ, B and D Companies inserted into FSPB Cedar to commence Op Windsor.
29 C Coy, 3RAR flown in to join Op Windsor.
October 1968
2 A Coy, 3RAR returned from land-clearing Ops AO Warburton.
6 A Coy, 3RAR flown in to join Op Windsor.
12 Op Windsor concluded. 3RAR redeployed into AO Garran to commence Op Capital.
21 A, B and D Companies returned from Op Capital.
22 3RAR HQ and C Coy returned from Op Capital. 161 Fd Bty redeployed to FSPB Wilton.
25 C Coy, 3RAR commenced Op Harvest.
27 3RAR HQ group and D Coy joined Op Harvest.
29 3RAR Advance Recce Party returned by air to Australia.
30 A Coy, 3RAR deployed into AO Rapier on Op Diamond Pin.
November 1968
2 3RAR HQ, C and D Companies returned from Op Harvest. A Coy, 3RAR returned from Op Diamond Pin.
5 9RAR Advance Party (150) arrived at Nui Dat. 3RAR Advance Party (146) returned to Australia
19 9RAR Rear Party (40) arrived at Nui Dat. 3RAR Rear Party (40) returned to Australia by air.
20 9RAR Main body arrived at Nui Dat ex HMAS Sydney. 3RAR Main Body (417) departed on HMAS Sydney.
December 1968
2 3RAR Main Body disembarked Outer Harbour Port Adelaide, South Australia