Links are provided throughout this website. Some are reproduced here for easy reference and a few more have been added. Simply click on any of interest.
General Information and History about the Vietnam War
- The Department of Veterans’ affairs dedicated website: - The Australian War Memorial:
- The ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee of Queensland’s website
- Australian Army History Unit
- Print Vietnam War Service Records:
Information about the Location for the next Reunion
- Holdfast Newsletter May 2014
Newsletter of the Vietnam Tunnel Rats Association. - Kapyong Kronicle 2014
The Newsletter about 3RAR today
General Interest
- Australian Army Infantry Museum
- Commemoration – Canberra Memorial
- Vietnam Veterans’ Commemorative Walk
Commemorative Wall opened 9 March 2013 - History of 3RAR
History of 3RAR from 1945 to today from Digger history website - 3RAR website
- 3RAR A Company 67-68
- Wikipedia on the role and history of 3RAR
- Lachlan Irvine Poetry
- National Vietnam Veterans’ Museum
An independent museum on Phillip Island, Victoria - Origins of The Last Post
- Battle_of_Maryang_San
- Facebook pages:
Vietnam Veterans’ Associations
- Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia (VVAA)
- Vietnam Veterans’ Federation of Australia (VVFA)
- Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Victoria
- VVAA NSW Branch
- Vietnam Veterans’ Federation of S.A.
- VVAA – Tas Branch Contacts
- VVAA – NT Branch
- VVAA – W.A. Branch