Click on the link below to find a list of the men who served in 3RAR C Coy in Vietnam between 1967 and 1968:
List of Served Members
WIA = Wounded in Action
KIA = Killed in Action
With deep respect to the men who served and their families and friends, here we acknowledge served members who have passed away, during or since their service (click on the link below):
Lest We Forget – List of Mates Departed
Note: you can listen to The Last Post played at the Australian War Memorial here.
DOW = Died of Wounds
DOI = Died of Illness
We include the words of the song, Lest We Forget by Michael Reynolds here:
Lest We Forget – A Song to Remember Them By
Also on this page, Michael Reynolds shares his thoughts about the song. You may find them thought provoking.
And finally a poem “He Was a Mate” by one of 3RAR’s very own poets, Lachlan Irvine is here:
Lest We Forget – Poems to Remember Them By
Lachlan has provided some personal reflections here about the poem and the inspiration for it. Follow the link on the page to find more poems by Lachlan at his own web site.