2014 Reunion at Port Stephens

Ian Hands’ Greetings to Everyone at the 2014 Reunion

I want to wish you a most enjoyable Reunion, as they always have been, and express regret that Maureen and I are unable to be there.

Let me say now that after all these years, I am still tremendously proud of you all.

You have been loyal to one another, to 3 RAR, to “Charlie” Company and to me.

In 1967/68 no task was too hard or too much of a challenge and we “went for it” everytime and succeeded, with minimum loss.

Pride and loyalty are still strong in all of us, and I would particularly mention the West Australians who have attended every reunion; having to travel 2000 kms just to get out of their state, and we have been there once!  Might I also mention Merv Binning, who left us through no fault of his own in the Long Hais. Years later, Merv found a company of comrades who still remembered him and has attended several reunions since. Loyal to the core! I would like to thank Ken Dunn for reading this, and wish you a great time in Port Stephens, with a successful selection of the next venue.

To Peter and Wendy I extend my congratulations and thanks for the heavy workload a reunion brings, and sincere thanks for their effort.

Every best wishes to all.





Golfers Alan, Bob, John, Kevin, Peter and Peter

Alan, Bob, John, Kevin, Peter and Peter.
Bob Addison standing on the wrong side of the ball.

Bob Addison standing on the wrong side of the ball.

Kevin Eatt punishing the ball.

Kevin Eatt punishing the ball.

Ken and Bev Dunn enjoying lunch.

Ken and Bev Dunn enjoying lunch.

Meet and Greet

Maj Gerard Kearns, OC  C Coy 3RAR, with Snow and Bob

Maj Gerard Kearns, OC C Coy 3RAR, with Snow and Bob

Laurie Hall and Geoff Hansen

Laurie Hall and Geoff Hansen

Brenton Rosenthal.
Brenton Rosenthal.

Alex Heslin

Alex Heslin

Mary Durdin and others.

Mary Durdin and others.

John Tremble and Rob Macklemann

John Tremble and Rob Macklemann

Bob Hodgson

Bob Hodgson

Warwick Hume

Warwick Hume

Darryl Anderson

Darryl Anderson

Tony Ryan

Tony RyanIan KitsonIan KitsonPeter LynchPeter LynchKevin Eatt


Shortyplanning tactics!planning tactics!


Geoff Mudge

Geoff Mudge


Wine Tasting at McGuigins


Wine Tasting at McGuigins Vaughan and Bob

Vaughan and Bob

Ken And Bev buying the box.

Ken And Bev buying the box.

Frank Archer

Frank Archer

Gail and John Williams

Gail and John Williams

Pamela and Bob Drury

Pamela and Bob Drury

Cheryl and Bob Hodgson

Cheryl and Bob Hodgson

Mary Durdin and Graham Bagnell

Mary Durdin and Graham Bagnell

Roy and Val Lucas

Roy and Val Lucas

What wine is next?

What wine is next?

A dry argument!

A dry argument!

Tam Abbott and Paul Pertini.

Tam Abbott and Paul Pertini.

Kevin Eatt and Alan Cockroft

Kevin Eatt and Alan Cockroft

Louie and Kerry Lamont

Louie and Kerry Lamont

Jacky Ash

Jacky Ash

Margaret and Alex Heslin

Margaret and Alex Heslin

Another dry argument!

Another dry argument!

Cheese tasting.

Cheese tasting.

More cheese!

More cheese!
Lindemans for lunch.

Lindemans for lunch.



Hunter Valley Vineyards.

Hunter Valley Vineyards.

More vineyards.

More vineyards.

Ken contemplating more wine tasting.

Ken contemplating more wine tasting.

Ken after more wine tasting.

Ken after more wine tasting.

A discussion about the attributes of Hunter Valley wines.

A discussion about the attributes of Hunter Valley wines.

June needs coffee before tasting any more.

June needs coffee before tasting any more.

A rose bush planted at the end of a row of vines at Hope Winery

A rose bush planted at the end of a row of vines at Hope Winery

Australian Army Infantry Museum

Charlie Company Vietnam 67-68
Charlie Company Vietnam 67-68

Charlie Company and Partners

Charlie Company and Partners 
Charlie Company  7 Platoon Vietnam 67-68

Charlie Company
7 Platoon
Vietnam 67-68

Charlie Company 8 Platoon  Vietnam 67-68 with Ken Dunn WO1

Charlie Company
8 Platoon
Vietnam 67-68
with Ken Dunn

Charlie Company  9 Platoon  Vietnam 67-68 with Gerard Kearns OC C Coy  3RAR

Charlie Company
9 Platoon
Vietnam 67-68
with Major Gerard Kearns


Huey in Museum

Museum Display

Museum Display

Explanation from Museum Volunteer

 Museum Volunteer Arthur Francis.
Arthur ended his career in the Army as RSM of the Army.
He served in Malaya and Borneo with Ray Ewell, Bob Hodgson, Graham Fox and Max Cannon.

Huey in the museum.

Huey in the museum.

        Kapyong Service

        at Singleton School of Infantry

RSM WO1 John Stonebridge

RSM WO1 John Stonebridge

Kapyong Service

Kapyong Service

Padre Mark Hinton

Padre Mark Hinton

Major Gerard  Kearns reading the Presidential Citation.

Major Gerard Kearns reading the Presidential Citation.

RSM John Stonebridge reading the list of the fallen at Kapyong

RSM John Stonebridge reading the list of the fallen at Kapyong

Peter Dorman leading the Memorial Service for the Battle of Kapyong

Peter Dorman leading the Memorial Service for the Battle of Kapyong

RSM inviting C Company to the Sergeants Mess for coffee and tea.

RSM inviting C Company to the Sergeants Mess for coffee and tea.


Sergeants Mess

Sergeants Mess

Sergeants Mess

Sergeants Mess

Sergeants Mess

Sergeants Mess


Ken Dunn delivering the words from Ian Hands

Ken Dunn delivering the words from Ian Hands

           9 Platoon Baton

This baton was presented, by grateful locals, to Lt Weaver as the 9 Platoon Commander,   C Coy 3 RAR after the battle of Kapyong, in Korea in 1951.

The then Major Weaver presented the baton to Peter Luffman as 9 Platoon Commander in Vietnam in 1968.

The baton has now been presented back to Major Kearns, OC, C Coy 3RAR  representing the current 9 Platoon Commander  3 RAR,  by Peter Luffman and Christine Hanrahan (Sister of John Fraser 9Pl. Commander KIA Vietnam 1968) at the Charlie Coy Reunion at Nelson Bay on Kapyong Day,  April 2014

The baton will now become official 3rd Battalion property.

Peter Luffman      9Pl Commander  Vietnam 67-68

Peter Luffman
9Pl Commander
Vietnam 67-68

The baton and a photo of the presentation in Vietnam 67-68

The baton and a photo of Peter Luffman, Ray Ewell and Major Weaver making the presentation in Vietnam 67-68

Major Gerard Kearns accepting the baton on behalf of 9 Pl Commander.

Major Gerard Kearns accepting the baton on behalf of 9 Pl Commander from Peter Luffman and Christine Hanrahan ( Sister of  John Fraser 9 Pl Commander  KIA Vietnam 1968)

Major Gerard Kearns   OC C Coy 3 RAR addressing the dinner.

Major Gerard Kearns
OC C Coy 3 RAR
addressing C Coy Vietnam 67-68 and  guests.

The boat cruise.

The boat cruise.



        Anzac Day

The Dawn Service proceeded as usual however the March was rained out. The Service was held at the Bowling Club Auditorium.76


The Service addressee

The Service addressee

Michelle Lewis and Theresa Mugridge laid the wreath.

Michelle Lewis and Theresa Mugridge laid the wreath.




Anzac day lunch 9 Platoon

Anzac Day Lunch
9 Platoon   Daryl and Snow





Anzac Day Lunch  9 Platoon

Anzac Day Lunch
9 Platoon


Anzac Day Lunch 9 Platoon Partners

Anzac Day Lunch
9 Platoon Partners






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